Sunday, February 27, 2011

Buddy in May 2009

I was very cute when I was young.  Just look at me and judge yourself

Buddy Sniff Sniff Again

I love to walk, stop and sniff sniff. It irates the humans but that's what a dog does

Sniff, Sniff

Once in a while, I like to stop and sniff, sniff.

My Water Hole

Ater a long walk in the park, I like to get a drink of  cool fresh water from the underground spring.  I drink it straight from the tap, no bowl for me.

And after my drink, I like to rest a bit before going home. My legs are tired so I rest what u think?

Buddy loves to eat a certain type of grass

Here I am eating the grass I like. I am allowed in the lake when it is dry. If it rains the humans will yelled, "It's too muddy" you cannot go down there".  Can't the humans make up their mind?

A Walk in the Park

Everyday, I am taken for a walk in Alpine Grove by my humans.  The whole park is my poop place, wherever and whenever I want. I am the "Pack Leader" not my humans.  Ceasar Milan will be mortified.

Here I am walking in front Where are my human parents .......???

The road where we usually walk as the path (below) has too many human traffic

The path in the woods where I sometimes chase squirrels if they are on the ground

Sometimes I like to stop and sniff, sniff

The wooden bridge in the woods. I am not afraid to cross it alone.

At the far end is the St Johns River

The U-shaped tree